Friday 22 May 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

Week 6 Virtue Challenge

This week your challenge is to complete three random acts of kindness to pay it forward. This simply means making the effort to do something kind and small for someone else. Write down the three random acts of kindness you've completed. We will be sharing these as a class on Thursday. Watch this YouTube clip to see how these people have shown compassion and kindness to others.

Friday 15 May 2015

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Making Anzac Biscuits

Last Tuesday we went down to the staff room to make Anzac biscuits. Miss Blundell helped us make the Anzac biscuits were celebrating Anzac Day for the war. Some people got a turn at putting the ingredients in, but we all got to touch the mixture because we were shaping our Anzac biscuits. They got put in the oven. We had a work sheet to do, then the Anzac biscuits were ready to come out of the oven - yum! yum! People grabbed and snatched the biscuits like hungry tigers and then they were all gone 

By Ava 

Tuesday 28 April 2015


The virtue that we are focusing on for the start of Term 2 is compassion. For home learning this week you need to write what compassion means to you, in your own words. You might like to watch this YouTube clip on compassion again to give you some ideas.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Awesome ANZAC website

Hi Room 8,

You may want to check out this ANZAC website to help you prep for the Kidsedchatnz chat on Wednesday.

From Miss Gentil

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Ollie's New Food and Water Invention

This is our invention we created for Kidsedchatnz. It's a new invention to help Ollie keep his food fresh and his water clean. By Charlee and Milly

Our Dog Training Invention

This is our dog training invention that we created for Kidsedchatnz.

By Esther and Kyle